一、分析 (Analysis) :挖掘各个层次的语义。
二、转换 (Transfer):将大脑分析好的语言材料从原文转到译入语。
三、重建 (Restructuring):将原文讯息在译入语中表达出来。
On one of those sober and rather melancholy days, in the latter part of Autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abby.
本句很长,包括由数个图像组成的“意群” 。我们可以将这个长句拆解成短小的句子:
a. Late autumn days are somber and rather melancholy.
b. The shadows of morning and evening mingle together.
c. The shadows throw a gloom over the decline of the year.
d. I went to Westminster Abby on one of those days.
e. I spent several hours rambling about the abby.
– 王安亿《长恨歌》
本句很长,包括由数个图像组成的“意群” 。我们也可以将这个长句拆解成短小的句子:
1. 流言难免虚张声势且危言耸听。
2. 流言一旦鬼鬼祟祟,便会闻风而动且随风而去,摸不到头,抓不到尾。
3. 然而,上海这城市的真心唯有到流言里去找。-> 这里语气有转折
4. 无论上海 (这城市) 的外表有多华美,心却是粗鄙的。
5. 这颗粗鄙的心寄在流言里,而流言又寄在上海弄堂里。
6. 上海号称东方巴黎,那里遍佈远东的神奇传说。
7. 剥开传说的壳来看,核心就是流言。
8. 珍珠的核心其实是粗糙的沙粒。
9. 流言如同沙粒。
Gossip cannot help but be swashbuckling and sensational. It travels in the company of monsters and goblins; rising with the wind, its elusive tail can never be caught. Only in gossip can the true heart of this city be found. No matter how gorgeous and splendid the city may look on the outside, its heart is vulgar. That heart is born of gossip, and gossip is born of the Shanghai longtang. Magnificent tales of the Far East can be heard all over this Paris of the Orient; but peel away the outer shell and you will discover that gossip lies at its core. Like the center of a pearl – which is actually a rough grain of sand – coarse sand is the material of which gossip is made.
– translated by Michael Berry & Susan Chan Egan
Gossip cannot help but be swashbuckling and sensational. It travels in a sneaky way, rising and going with the wind. One can never catch its elusive head or tail. However, only in gossip can the true heart of this city be found. No matter how gorgeous and splendid the city may look on the outside, its heart is vulgar. That heart is born of gossip, and gossip is born of the Shanghai longtang. Magnificent tales of the Far East can be heard all over this Paris of the Orient; but peel away the outer shell and you will discover that gossip lies at the core. The center of a pearl as we know it is actually a rough grain of sand, so gossip can be analogically described as that coarse grain of sand.
1. 误解“鬼鬼祟祟一起来”这句话的真正意思,因此写出 It travels in the company of monsters and goblins 这样的怪句子。版主认为,外国译者看到这句话时,脑中将其分析成下面的结构:
鬼鬼 = monster
祟祟 = goblin
一起来 = in the company of
2. 最后一句是关于沙粒与流言的对比,译者没有吃透原文而犯了错误。想也知道,流言是不可能用沙粒来製成 (coarse sand is the material of which gossip is made)。
参考资料:The Song of Everlasting Sorrow [A Novel of Shanghai], translated by Michael Berry & Susan Chan Egan, published by Columbia University Press New York