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4.3 In case that Party B fails to pay the rent on time, for each delayed day, Party B shall pay penalty to Party A at rate of two times of daily rent. If Party B payment overdue exceeds twenty days and fails to obtain the understanding of Party A, in additional to supplement rent payment and penalty, Party B shall be deemed as randomly terminates this contract, and shall undertake the consequences as breaching contract according to Article 9 of this Contract.
5. Deposit (if any) and leasing security fund
5.1 [If any, fill in this article], Party B pays deposit to Party A in total of ____________ Yuan (amount in words: ) by itself or the intermediate party within __ days after signing this contract. When Party B pays leasing security fund to Party A, the paid deposit shall be transformed as (part of) the leasing security fund.
5.2 Total leasing security fund that Party B shall pay to Party A is RMB 10,000 Yuan (amount in words: TEN THOUSAND YUAN ONLY). Party B shall pay this sum of money on or before the date of house delivery. And Party A shall sign the written form receipt while receiving the leasing security fund.
5.3 Except as otherwise stipulated in this contract, Party A shall eliminate the lease relationship and Party B shall clearly deliver the house and its accessory items to Party A and pay off all Party B’s payable fees. The total amount of the leasing security fund shall be refunded to Party B without any interest. Without the written consent of Party A, Party B may not use the leasing security fund to offset any expenses such as rent.
6. Other expenses
6.1 During the lease term, the fees for water use, electricity, gas, telephone (telecommunication), TV fees and other house use fees shall be borne by Party B and paid on time against the bill. The property management fee shall be borne by Party A and shall be paid on time against the bill.
6.2 Whether Party B asks Party A to provide legal and valid original rental invoice: □ Yes, the rental tax shall be borne by the Party__; □ No.
7. Rights and Obligations of Both Party A and Party B
7. 1 Party A shall ensure that the house and the decoration, ancillary facilities, and equipment (see Annex) are in normal usable condition. If Party B finds that the house and the decoration, ancillary facilities and equipment are damaged or faulty, Party B shall promptly notify Party A to repair it. Party A shall perform maintenance within seven days after receiving Party B’s notice. If the maintenance is not done within the required term, Party B can perform maintenance on behalf of Party A, but the fee shall be borne by Party A.
7.2 During the leasing term, Party B shall use the house and decoration and ancillary facilities and equipment reasonably. If the house and its ancillary facilities, and the equipment are damaged due to improper use of Party B, Party B shall be responsible for repairing. If Party B refuses to repair, Party A may perform maintenance on behalf of Party B, but Party B shall bear the costs.
7.3 When Party A is about to sell the house, Party B hereby agrees to give up the priority of purchasing this house under the same conditions.
7.4 Party B may not decorate or accessio to the house without the written consent of Party A. With the written consent of Party A, Party B shall obtain Party A’s approval on the drawing and plans for the decoration and accessio, which shall also meet the requirements of the property management department of the house where the house is located and the relevant decoration requirements of the country; At the expiration of the time limit, if Party A and Party B do not renew the lease, Party B shall have the right to remove the decoration and accessio of the house when returning the house, and if Party B does not dismantle it, it shall be deemed that Party B will give the decoration free of charge to Party A.
7.5 Both Party A and Party B shall pay the relevant taxes and fees in full amount and on time according to the


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