阅读下面英文时态解说之前,版主建议先阅读‘英文时态概论’与‘英文文法翻译基本概念:动词的基本型态’,先掌握基本概念,然后再研究细节。英文“现在简单式”使用时机的其他部分在‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (2)’、‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (3)’与‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (4)’。
a. 表示恒久不变的真理或一般事实
Copper is heavier than iron.
(钢比铁重。) – 恒久不变的真理
Jupiter is the largest planet within the solar system. It is two and a half times as massive as all of the other planets in our solar system combined.
(木星是太阳系最大的行星,其质量为太阳系其他所有行星总和质量的两倍半。) – 恒久不变的真理
The battery light displays charge status:
Off: The battery is fully charged or not installed.
(电池指示灯显示充电状态 //指示灯不亮:电池已经充饱或者并未装上。)
– (技术手册) 一般事实
What do frogs eat?
(青蛙吃什幺 ?) – 询问事实
We get five days’ Christmas holiday this year.
(今年的耶诞节连续放五天。) – 一般事实
b. 说明状态或能力
My parents live near Denver.
(我的双亲住在丹佛附近。) – 状态
I work from nine to five.
(我的工作朝九晚五。) – 状态
// (比较) He is working in Saudi Arabia at the moment. (他目前在沙乌地阿拉伯工作。)
– 现在进行式给人‘变动’的印象,因此用于说明‘临时或者短暂的’职业。
I have a bad memory for names. (我不太会记人名。) – 能力
He plays the piano. (他会弹钢琴。) – 能力
Do you speak Chinese? (你会说中文吗?) – 询问能力
// (比较) They can speak French. (他们会说法语。)
I don’t drink. (我不会喝酒) – 能力
//(比较) I’m not drinking tonight. (我今晚不想喝酒)
– 这句话的意思是:我可能不会喝酒,也可能会喝酒,但我待会不想喝酒。
A: When does the lease expire? (租约何时期满?)
B: The lease has four years left to run. (租约还有四年才到期。)
– 虽然是‘日后’才到期,因为说明状态,所以可用现在简单式。
c. 表示目前习惯与例行事项
John smokes. (约翰会抽菸 / 约翰是个有抽菸习惯的人。)
John never smokes. (约翰从不抽菸。)
John smokes every day. (约翰每天抽菸。)
Don’t believe what he says.
(不要相信他讲的话。) – 说这句话表示你指的这个人不可信 (not to be trusted)。
(比较) Don’t believe what he said. (他先前讲什幺都不要相信。)
My husband usually takes the kids to the nursery school before he goes to work.
(我先生通常先送小孩上幼稚园,然后再去上班。) – 例行事项
How often do you go to the U.S.? – I go there twice a year.
He always shouts at employees. (他总是对员工大吼小叫。)
A married woman usually bears her husband’s surname.
The cat scratches. (这隻猫爱用爪子乱抓。)
d. 在谈话中以状态动词或感觉动词表达意见或看法
I wish I were a millionaire.
I fear that the recent financial market scandal is only the tip of the iceberg.
I feel we may be too late.
I believe it to have been a mistake.
We hope that the re-launched site provides a stimulating and dynamic online environment.
a. 动作说明、问路指导或操作示范
OK, let’s go over it again. You wait outside the office building until the manager arrives. Then you radio Louis, who’s waiting round the corner, and he drives round to the front entrance. You and Louis grab the manager…
(Practical English Usage by Michael Swan)
(OK,我们再跑一遍。你在办公室大楼外头等着,经理一到,你就用对讲机通知在街角等候的路易斯,然后他就把车开到前门,你和路易斯就一把抓住经理…。) – 动作说明
“Hi, I heard there’s a Chinese restaurant around here. Do you know how to get there from here?”
” Yeah, Chinatown is pretty close to here. Just go to the corner and then take a right. You have to walkt two blocks… ”
(嗯,中国城离这里不远。走到转角处之后右转,你得再经过两条街…。) – 问路说明
Using the TouchPad
To move the pointer, slide your finger across the TouchPad surface in the direction you want the pointer to go.
(Compaq Notebook User’s Guide)
(使用触控板 //如要移动鼠标,在触控板表面朝着你要鼠标移动的方向滑动手指。) – 操作示范
b. 电视或收音机播报运动比赛
The Red Sox wins. (波士顿红袜队赢了。)
//(比较) The Red Sox is wining the AL East. (波士顿红袜队即将赢得美联东区冠军。)
“The ball is going, going, going, high into the center field stands… and it is a home run!”
(说明) ‘简单式’说明刚完成的动作或者报导时的现况,而‘ 现在进行式’则说明时间较长的动作,或者接下来即将发生的事情。
“Citation taking the lead… with Faraway in second place… and the others already are trailing so far that you’re glad the distance is a mile and a half! And Citation is pulling away… he’ll have to collapse to lose this race. It is Citation going to win the Belmont Stakes.”
(Citation 保持领先,Faraway 处在第二位置,他其马匹则被抛在后头苦苦追赶,差了有一哩半!Citation 逐渐拉开距离,除非它摔倒,否则它赢定了比赛。Citation 即将赢得贝蒙锦标。)
(说明) ‘简单式’说明刚完成的动作或者报导时的现况,而‘ 现在进行式’则说明时间较长的动作,或者接下来即将发生的事情。
Oxford are drawing slightly ahead of Cambridge now; they’re rowing with a beautiful rhythm; Cambridge are looking a little disorganized…
c. 表达命令、请求或建议
Why don’t you take a day off tomorrow?
(你明天何不请个假?你明天乾脆请假吧) – 建议
Get out of here! (滚开!) – 命令
Give me a call when you arrive in Taipei.
(到达台北之后,给我打个电话。) – 请求
//when 后面的附属子句以现在式说明未来的情况,请参考有关附属子句的说明。
d. here comes… 与 there goes… 的特殊句型
Here comes your wife. (你老婆来了。)
There goes our bus – we’ll have to wait for the next one.
e. 用文字、数字或图片表达讯息
What does this word say?
It says in the paper that petrol’s going up again.
//这句话可以改成过去式:It said in the paper that petrol was going up again.
The label says this sauce is made from tomatoes and garlic.
Does it say in the instruction how much you should use?
f. 其他: 说完动作立即发生 / 发誓或者许下诺言
“I now declare Hong Kong Disneyland officially open,” said Disney’s Chief Executive Michael Eisner.
美国迪士尼公司运行长 Michael Eisner 说:“我现在宣布,香港迪士尼乐园正式开幕。”
We wish you a happy new year.
//(Here’s) wishing you all the best in your new job. (固定说法)
With great sadness I announce that, effective immediately, I will be leaving RIOY to pursue other interests.
(虽然感到极为难过,我在此宣佈即日起离开 RIOY 团队去追寻其他梦想。)
I enclose (herewith) a check for $249.
(兹附上249 美金支票一张。)
We write to advise you… / We are writing to advise you (不正式)
I enclose my check for $200. / I am enclosing my check for $200. (不正式)
I look forward to hearing from you. / I’m looking forward to hearing from you. (不正式)
I promise never to gamble again.
(I am promsing…)
I sware that I will tell the truth.
(I am swearing that…)
We gree.
(We are agreeing.)
He denies the charge.
(He is denying…)
Do you deny that this is your writing?
(Are you denying that…)