哈雷摩托车拓展课教案翻译The Extended Lesson of Harley Motorcycles.
PPT1:同学们好,哈雷摩托车的拼装对于你们来说是个挑战吧!这辆车结构逼真,外形炫酷。它的历史也很丰富哦!PPT1: Hello, students, the assembly of Harley Motorcycles is a challenge for you, isn’t it? This motorcycle is lifelike in structure and cool in appearance. And its history is also very rich!
ppt2:今天我们一起来了解一下有关哈雷摩托车的理念,文化以及其他不同种类的摩托车。PPT2: Today, let’s learn about Harley’s idea, culture and other different kinds of motorcycles.
PPT3:第一辆哈雷摩托车的诞生:PPT3: The Birth of the First Harley Motorcycle:
1903年,WilliamHarley和Davidson三兄弟在密尔沃基创建了的Harley-DavidsonMotorCompany–哈雷戴维森机车公司,21岁的威廉·哈雷和20岁的阿瑟·戴维森在一间小木屋里“攒”出来的,并以两个人的姓氏命名为“哈雷—戴维森”。In 1903, William·Harley and Davidson founded Harley-Davidson Motor Company in Milwaukee. The original Harley Motorcycle was assembled by 21-year-old William·Harley and 20-year-old Arthur· Davidson in a cabin and named “Harley-Davidson”with their surnames.
PPT4:哈雷摩托车的理念与车系:PPT4: The Idea and motorcycle Series of Harley Motorcycles:
嬉皮车最具代表性的嬉皮车非哈雷Harley Davidson 莫属,高耸的把手、伸长的前悬吊以及低矮的座垫。哈雷的理念一直是自由大道、原始动力和美好时光。车型包括:Touring(旅行车系)、Softail®(软尾车系)、Dyna®(戴纳车系)和Sportster®(运动者车系),这些车系斗截然不同、特色迥异,每一个车系都蕴含着丰富的历史和传统。The most representative hippie motorcycle is Harley Davidson, with high handles, elongated front suspension and low seat cushions. Harley’s idea has always been freedom avenues, primitive motivation and good times. Motorcycle Series: Touring, Softtail ®, Dyna ® and Sportster ®. These Categories are completely different and have different characteristics, each of them contains rich history and tradition.
PPT5:哈雷摩托车的文化:PPT5: The Culture of Harley Motorcycles:
美国的摩托车文化很发达。首先是因为美国人民是公路上的人民,其次世界最牛最酷的摩托车品牌Harley Davision是美国制造。每到周末节假日,只要天气良好,高速公路上就会有成群的摩托车帮开着他们的哈雷兜风。每年Sturgis SD都会有哈雷迷的聚会。很多哈雷迷喜欢自己组装自己的哈雷,各种配件挂饰充满想像力和个人特色。一些人终身都在投资自己的哈雷,把自己梦幻中的哈雷变成现实。因为爱车,所以大家都是好基友!The motorcycle culture in the United States is well developed. First, the American people are the ones of the highway, and second, Harley Davision, the world’s coolest motorcycle brand, is made in the United States. Every weekend and holiday, as long as the weather is good, there will be groups of motorcyclists going for a drive on their Harley and on the highway. Every year, Sturgis SD has a party for Harley’s fans. Many Harley’s fans like to assemble their own Harley wtih various accessories and ornaments, which is full of imagination and personal characteristics. Some people have been investing in their Harley for life, turning their imaginary Harleys into real ones. Because of loving motorcycles, they are all good friends!
PPT6:摩托车的声效:PPT6: The Sound Effect of Motorcycles:
这就是摩托车独有的声效,摩托车主要是由汽油机驱动,靠手把操纵前轮转向轻便灵活,行驶迅速,广泛用于巡逻、客货运输等,也用作体育运动器械。This is the unique sound effect of the motorcycles. They are mainly driven by gasoline engines, and the front wheels are steered by handles for direction. They are light, flexible and fast, and widely used in patrol, passenger transportation, etc., and also used as sports equipment.
PPT7:多种多样的摩托车:PPT7: A variety of motorcycles:
所有车都分on road 平路和off road 越野All motorcycles are classified as on-road ones and off-road.
on road 平路多为赛道上的跑车,和街道上的摩托车。On-road vehicles are mostly sports motorcycles on the track and motorcycles on the street.
街道上常见的有通路车,哈雷摩托车,巡航车,旅行摩托车和踏板车,复古车,踏板车等。通路车,就是那些用来代步的基础款摩托车。旅行车可以说是为高速公路而生:大容量的邮箱以及储物箱、稳重的车身,宽阔的座椅,再加上硕大无比的整流罩防风罩,让人非常有安全感。炫酷拉风的造型,风驰电掣的速度,可谓是引无数少男少女折腰。巡航车,即我们通常说的 cruiser,专指大排量重型机车。复古车的复古一般是体现在外观上:一个简单的车棚,散落一地的工具零件,一辆半成品一般的机车,这就是关于复古车的经典画面。踏板车,也就是moped scooter,他有3大优点:干净、易操控和装载方便。Usually, there are passage motorcycles, Harley Motorcycles, cruise motorcycles, travel motorcycles, scooters, retro motorcycles, etc. on the streets. The passage motorcycles are the basic ones used instead of walking. The travel motorcycles can be said to be made for the highways: The large-capacity fuel tank and storage box, the stable body, the wide seats, and the huge fairing windproof cover make people feel very safe. The cool and stylish style and the fast speed have attracted countless boys and girls to fall for it. The cruise motorcycles, as we usually call it cruiser, specifically refer to heavy locomotives with large displacement. The retro of retro motorcycles is generally reflected in the appearance: A simple motorcycle shed, scattered tools and parts, and a semi-finished locomotive are the classic picture of retro vehicles. The scooters, also known as the moped scooters, have three advantages: Cleanliness, easy handling and convenient loading.
off-road,越野车是为攀爬、林地、越野场地竞赛的摩托车。The off-road motorcycle is a motorcycle that is used to climb, drive in woodlands and compete on off-road site.
拉力车—也可以叫全地形摩托车(on-off-road),还可以叫两用运动型摩托车。这种车是摩托中的万金油,不论是光滑路面、高速公路还是山地越野,统统可以看见它的身影。The rally motorcycles can also be called on-off-road or dual-purpose sports motorcycles. This kind of the motorcycle is all-purpose one of motorcycles, which can be seen on smooth roads, highways and mountain cross-country roads.
电动摩托车,随着电池技术水平的提升,电摩的成本越来越低,并且因为充电便宜和维护成本低这两个与生俱来的优势,得以让我们越来越多的看见这些安静的两轮车穿行于城市道路之间。With the improvement of battery technology, the cost of electric motorcycles is getting lower and lower, and because of the two inherent advantages of cheap battery charging and low maintenance cost, we can see more and more quiet two-wheeled vehicles passing through urban roads.
PPT8:摩托车安全驾驶:PPT8: The Safe Driving of Motorcycles:
摩托车也是机动车的一种,须依法取得 驾驶证。摩托车上道路行驶须依法取得 机动车号牌。驾驶摩托车上路必须带好头盔The motorcycle is also a kind of motor vehicles and the driver’s license must be obtained according to law. The license plate of the motor vehicle must be obtained according to law before the motorcycle can drive on the road. The helmet must be worn to drive motorcycles on the road.
驾驶时必须严格遵守交通法规和各项交通规则。When a motorcycle is driven, traffic laws and various traffic rules must be strictly observed.
PPT9:摩托车的种类繁多,但外观造型相差不大,稍微的变动,就可以是一辆功能完全不一样的摩托车,这么多摩托车中你最喜欢哪一种类型的?用我们学到的本领,自己动手创造吧!老师把哈雷摩托车变成了复古摩托车,体型变小了,但功能一点都不少。如果你也喜欢这辆街车,你也可以跟着老师的节奏一起完成。当然,老师更期待你们自创的设计。加油!坐等你们的作品展示。PPT9: There are many kinds of motorcycles, but the appearance and shape are not much different. With a slight change, it can be a motorcycle with completely different functions. Which type do you like best among so many motorcycles? Use the skills we have learned to create! I have turned the Harley Motorcycle into a retro one, which has become smaller in size but has no less functions at all. If you also like this street vehicle, you can follow my step to finish it. Of course, I look forward to your own design. Come on! I will wait for your work to be displayed.