Address: PhuRieng Village-PhuRieng District-BinhPhuoc Province-VietNam Tel: ; Fax:
STANDARD VIETNAMESE RUBBER Test Laboratory of Phu Rieng Rubber Company Ltd.
Authorized by Rubber Research Institute of VietNam Accredited by Bureau of Accreditation • Ministry of Science and Technology
Accreditation number: VILAS 496
Producer: COMPANY LTD Declared Quantity: 20,16 Mtons
Type of Rubber: BLOCK RUBBER Date tested: January«2019
Production Lot No: 773 111 873 813 771 871 705 875
Pallets No: 773 A- 777 A- 873 A- 813 A- 771 A- 871 A- 70S A- 875 A-
773 B, 777 B, 873 B, 813 B, 771 B, 871 B, 705 B, 875 6,
Parameter Test results of Lot No VRG SVR CV«0 Test methods
773 777 873 813 771 871 705 875 limit
Dirt (retained on 45 micron aperture) % wt 0,015 0,013 0t0!2 0,012 0,012 0,014 0,015 0,013 0,02 max TCVN 6089 (ISO 249)
Ash%wt 0,225 0,226 0,238 0,242 0,228 0,235 0)31 0,245 0,40 max TCVN 6087 (ISO 247)
Volatile matter %wt 0,26 0,28 0,30 0^5 0,27 0,29 0,28 0,27 0,70 max TCVN 6088 (ISO 248)
Nitrogen % wt 0,39 0,38 0,38 0,39 0,41 0,41 0,38 0,39 0,50 max TCVN 6091 (ISO 1656)
Initial Wallace plasticity (P〇) 31 31 31 33 31 31 32 30 TCVN 8493 (ISO 2007)
Plasticity Retention Index (P3(VPo)xl00 83 84 S6 81 84 83 82 86 60 min TCVN 8494 (ISO 2930)
Lovibond Colour (Individual value) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 TCVN 6093 (ISO 4660)
Mooney visosity Mur+^ioo C 58,5 58,0 58,0 60,0 60,0 57,5 59,0 57,0 60 (+5^5) TCVN609(M (ISO 289*1)
Testing for certification purposes is carried out according to test methods that were describeb in TCCS 112:2017 (based on TCVN 3769:2016 and ISO 2000:2003).
We certify that all the rubber in the above lots has been obtained from deliberately controlled grades of raw materials.
The submitted samples are representative of the mentioned lots above and have been correctly taken in accordance with the procedures in the TCVN 3 .-Order
Contract no.
Date of production: From 2019/01/18 to 2019/01/23 Container No.: