This Agreement is made effective September 9, 2019 between and among Ultra-Poly Corporation, a New Jersey corporation (“Ultra-Poly”), Avian Nafta, Inc., a dissolved Illinois corporation, (“Avian Nafta”) and Avian (USA) Machinery LLC (“Avian USA”), an Illinois limited liability company (collectively Avian Nafta and Avian USA are “Avian”).
本协议于 2019 年 9 月 9 日生效,由 company A 公司(为一家新泽西州公司简称”company A”),已解散的伊利诺伊公司(简称”company B “)和伊利诺伊州的有限责任公司,company B Na(美国)机械有限责任公司(简称”company B USA”),于 2019 年 9 月 9 日生效。(以下统称 company B Na and company B USA 为”company B”)。
- On or about February 23, 2013, Ultra-Poly purchased from Avian Nafta a certain granulator model G80 (the “Granulator”). The Granulator is currently in the physical possession of Ultra-Poly at its Portland, Pennsylvania facility;
- 在 2013 年 2 月 23 日左右,company A 从 company B Na 购买了某型号为 ***造粒机(以下简称”造粒机”)。该造粒机目前在宾夕法尼亚州波特兰的一家工厂由 company A 实际拥有;
- Ultra-Poly filed suit against Avian and others for the original purchase price of the Granulator, alleging certain defects in the Granulator and its operation, along with other damages alleged as a result of the defective performance of the Granulator. This lawsuit was filed in the Circuit Court for the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit, DuPage County, Illinois as cause number 2014 L 1047 (the “Lawsuit”). Avian has denied and disputed the claims alleged by Ultra-Poly in the Lawsuit;
- company A对 company B 等人提起了诉讼,要求就造粒机的原始购买价格提起诉讼,指控该种造粒机及其操作存在某些缺陷,以及由于造粒机性能缺陷而造成的其他损失。此诉讼在伊利诺斯州杜佩奇县第十八司法巡回法院提出,案件编号为 2014 L 1047(以下简称”诉讼”)。company B 否认并反驳了 company A 在诉讼中声称的索赔;
- Following trial, a Judgment was entered in favor of Ultra-Poly, against Avian in the amount of $160,770.00 plus $16,018.48 in attorneys’ fees related to certain pleadings, plus costs, (the “Judgment”). The Judgment remains pending and there have been no payments or credits against the Judgment;
- 审判后,对 company B 作出有利于 company A 的判决(以下简称”判决”),金额为 160,770.00 美元,外加与该些诉状相关的律师费 16,018.48 美元。判决仍待执行,没有针对判决的付款或抵偿;
- There is currently pending before the Appellate Court of Illinois, Second Judicial District, Appeal Number 2-19-0138, an Appeal by Ultra-Poly regarding certain claims that were denied by the Trial Court and are not included in the Judgment (the “Appeal”);
- 目前,关于本案伊利诺伊州第二司法区上诉法院的第2-19-0138号上诉(“ 以下简称“上诉“)正处于待审理阶段,关于company A所提供但被审判法院驳回的某些索赔未包括在本判决中;
- Avian has filed a Notice of Cross-Appeal following denial of Avian’s post-trial Motions filed in the Lawsuit (“Cross Appeal”);
- company B 在其”审判后请求“被驳回之后已提请一份交相上诉通知书(以下简称”交相上诉”)
- Without admission of fault, liability, or damages, Ultra-Poly and Avian have agreed to settle all disputes and claims between them with regard to the Granulator, the Lawsuit and the Appeal and Cross Appeal on the terms set forth in this Agreement.
- company A 和 company B 已同意根据本协议中的条款就之间有关造粒机的诉讼、上诉和交相上诉的所有争议和索赔进行和解。

- Recitals. Recitals are a part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein.
- 引言引言是本协议的一部分,就如全文抄录在此一样。
- Terms of Settlement:
- 和解条款:
A. Avian agrees to deliver the sum of $184,562.82 (“Settlement Payment”) to its attorneys Huck Bouma, P.C. to be held for the benefit of Ultra-Poly pending completion of the settlement terms set forth in this Agreement.
A.company B 同意向律师 Huck Bouma(P.C.)支付 184,562.82 美元(以下简称”和解付款”)。在完成本协议规定的和解条款之前,由律师代替 company A 持有该款项。
- The Settlement Payment consists of:
- 该和解付款包括:
$160,770.00 Judgment principal;
160,770.00 美元的判决本金;
$16,018.48 Attorneys’ fees;
16,018.48美元 的律师费;
$4,350.00 rigging expense for removal of Granulator from Ultra-Poly premises; and
4,350.00 美元的从company A拆卸造粒机的吊运费用;和
$3,424.34 Court Costs.
- The Granulator shall be picked up at Ultra-Poly’s Portland, Pennsylvania facility by a common carrier arranged and paid for by Avian. Ultra-Poly shall have the Granulator,including the new rotor received by Ultra-Poly, available at Ultra-Poly’s dock and ready for loading and shipping by Avian. The Granulator with rotor shall be picked up within two (2) business days of the date Ultra-Poly’s counsel notifies Avian’s counsel
- 造粒机将在宾夕法尼亚州的company A波特兰工厂由company B安排和支付的共同承运人接收。company A 将安排将造粒机,包括 company A 接收的新转子,运到 company A 的码头待命,并准备由 company B 安排装载和运输。带转子的造粒机应在 company A 的律师通知 company B的律师“可以接货”之日起两个工作日内接收
that it is available to be picked up. Absent pick up within such time, Ultra-Poly may remove the Granulator with rotor without liability or obligation to compensate Avian and Avian shall be deemed to have relinquished its right to possession of the Granulator with rotor under this Agreement or otherwise.
在通知发出后到接货前的这个空档期间,company A 保留拆卸带转子的造粒机的权利,而无须承担任何责任或义务对 company B 进行补偿,而 company B在此期间 应视为已放弃根据本协议或其他方式拥有带有转子的造粒机的权利. The Appeal and Cross Appeal shall be dismissed pursuant to joint motion of Avian and Ultra-Poly immediately upon execution of this Agreement by all parties, with the request that the cause be remanded to the Trial Court for entry of order of dismissal. 关于上诉和交相上诉的撤销,company B和company A双方通过联动立即执行该协议后,双方应提交申请到案件管辖审判法庭以完成撤销流程。

- Within two (2) business days of notice to counsel for Avian that the Granulator with Rotor is available for transport at Ultra-Poly’s dock in Portland, Pennsylvania, Avian’s counsel shall deliver the Settlement Payment to Piccione, Keeley & Associates, Ltd., attorneys for Ultra-Poly.
- 当带有转子的造粒机抵达宾夕法尼亚州波特兰的 company A 码头后,且可收货通知发送给 company B 律师的2个工作日内,company B 的律师应向 company A的律师Piccione(Keeley & Associates 有限公司)支付和解款项, 。
B. In consideration of payment by Avian of the Settlement Payment, and Avian’s dismissal with prejudice of the Cross Appeal, Ultra-Poly agrees:
B。考虑到 company B 支付和解付款,以及 company B 对包含损害自身利益的交相上诉的撤销,company A 同意如下:
- Upon notice of delivery of the Settlement Payment to Avian’s counsel, Ultra-Poly will cause the Granulator, including the new rotor, to be uninstalled from the Portland, Pennsylvania facility and moved to the facility loading dock, prepared for shipment to Avian USA at the expense of Avian, with arrangements for pick-up and transportation of the Granulator from the Ultra-Poly dock to be made by Avian. Within two business days following execution of this Agreement, the parties shall cooperate to establish contact between the rigger hired by Ultra-Poly to move the Granulator to the dock, and the shipping company hired by Avian to pick up and transport the Granulator, and the parties shall instruct those entities to communicate and cooperate for the efficient delivery and receipt of the Granulator.
- 在发出的和解付款通知给company B律师后,company A将安排造粒机(包括新的转子)从宾夕法尼亚州波特兰的工厂卸下,并转移至设备装卸码头,准备在美国将其运送到company B USA。 费用由company B承担,期间由company B负责安排自company A码头的接货和运输。在本协议生效后2个工作日内,双方应通力合作,确保 company A 所雇佣的负责将造粒机迁至码头的吊运商与 company B 所雇佣的负责造粒机取货和运输的承运商之间建立联系,双方应指示这些实施方进行沟通和合作,以便确保造粒机的交付和接收。
- Ultra-Poly will cause the Appeal to be dismissed and the cause remanded to the Trial Court.
- company A 将撤销上诉以及保留在审理法庭的案件。
- Ultra-Poly, through its counsel, shall prepare a Release and Satisfaction of the Judgment to be delivered to Huck Bouma, P.C. as counsel for Avian contemporaneously with release and delivery of the Settlement Payment to Piccione, Keeley & Associates, Ltd.
- company A 应通过其律师准备一份免除及判决满意书发给 company B 的法律顾问Huck Bouma P.C.,同时,Piccione律师(Keeley & Associates)收到支付和解款项后免除即告生效。
- Effective upon delivery to Ultra-Poly (through counsel) of the Settlement Payment, Ultra-Poly waives all accrued statutory interest on the Judgment.
- 当支付给company A和解付款后(通过律师),可免除判决中的所有累积法定利息。
- No Sale. The parties agree and stipulate that the uninstallation and delivery of the Granulator with rotor by Ultra-Poly to Avian is not a sale of goods, but simply a return of merchandise. There is no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to any aspect of the condition, function or suitability of the Granulator with rotor or any of its component parts and Avian understands and acknowledges that the Granulator is believed by Ultra-Poly to be inoperable, in need of substantial repair, and defective in its condition. Avian assumes all obligation, responsibility and liability for transport of the Granulator, obtaining possession of the Granulator at Ultra Poly’s dock, any repair or replacement of component parts or the Granulator as a whole, any further disposition of the Granulator upon pick-up by Avian or for its’ account, and any claims or damages by third parties related to the Granulator or its transport.
- 非销售双方同意并规定,company A拆卸和交付给company B的将带转子的造粒机的行为不是商品销售,而只是商品退货。对于制粒机与转子或其任何组成部分的状况,功能或适用性的任何方面,均不涉及任何明示或暗示的担保,company B理解并同意company A所认为的制粒机不可操作 ,需要进行大量维修,并且其状况有缺陷的问题。company B 承担运输造粒机的所有义务、责任和债务,在 Ultra Poly 的码头接货后将获得该造粒机的所有权,其有权对该造粒机进行任何维修、零件更换或对整台机器做更进一步的处置,并承担所有由第三方或运输过程中所造成的损坏或索赔。

- Jurisdiction. The Trial Court hearing the Lawsuit shall retain
jurisdiction of the Lawsuit solely for purposes of enforcing this Agreement. In
the event a party is required to take
- 管辖权审理诉讼的审判法院应保留诉讼管辖权,且仅用于执行本协议的目地。如果一方需要分阶段
steps to enforce this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its expenses of enforcement, including reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in enforcing this Agreement.
- Law. This Agreement shall be enforced and interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Illinois.
- 法律本协议应根据伊利诺伊州的法律执行和解释。
- Venue. Any action to enforce of this Agreement shall occur only in the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit, DuPage County, Illinois, in the Lawsuit, or as otherwise required by Court Rules of Assignment governing the Lawsuit.
- 场地。执行本协议的任何行动只应在伊利诺伊州杜佩奇县第十八司法巡回法院的诉讼辖区内进行,但根据法庭规则其中关于诉讼管辖转移条款另有规定的情况除外。
- Release.
- 免除
- By Ultra-Poly. In consideration of the mutual promises set forth in this Agreement, effective upon full execution of this Agreement by all parties (except for obligations created by this Agreement), Ultra-Poly does hereby release Avian and Avian USA of and from all claims regarding the Granulator, the Judgment, the Appeal, the Lawsuit or otherwise. This release includes Avian, their officers, directors, agents, attorneys, employees, parent and subsidiary companies and affiliates.
- 由company A.作出考虑到本协议中规定的相互承诺,该条款在各方全面执行本协议后生效(本协议规定的义务除外),company A 特此免除 company B 和 company B USA 的所有关于造粒机的判决、上诉、诉讼或其他索赔此免除对象包括 company B 及其高管、董事、代理人、律师、员工、母公司和子公司以及关联公司。
- Bv Avian. In consideration of the mutual promises set forth in this Agreement, effective upon execution of this Agreement by all parties (except for obligations created by this Agreement), Avian and Avian USA do hereby release Ultra-Poly of and from all claims regarding the Granulator, the Judgment, the Lawsuit, the Cross-appeal or otherwise.
- 由 company B作出考虑到本协议中规定的相互承诺,该条款在各方执行本协议时生效(本协议规定的义务除外),company B 和 company B USA 特此免除 company A所有关于造粒机的判决、上诉、诉讼或其他索赔
This release includes Ultra-Poly, its officers, directors, agents, attorneys, employees, parent and subsidiary companies and affiliates.
此免除对象包括company A及其高管、董事、代理人、律师、员工、母公司和子公司以及关联公司。
- Integration. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties with regard to the matters set forth herein. No modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing, signed by all parties.
- 完整性本协议构成了各方对本案事项的全部理解。除非双方以书面形式签署,否则关于本协议的修改或删节均为无效。
- Authority. Signatories below represent and warrant that they are authorized to bind the respective entities on behalf of which they are executing this Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, with facsimile signature binding as an original. Identical counterparts shall together constitute one original document.
- 授权以下签署方声明并保证他们已得到各自所代表机构的授权,同意其签署并执行本协议。本协议由双方当事人分别依据多个副本执行,传真签名具有约束力并可作为原件。所有副本共同构成一份原始文档