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英文「現在簡單式」的使用時機 (4)

这是英文“现在简单式”讲解的最后一部份,前三部份在‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (1)’、‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (2)’与‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (3)’。阅读下面英文时态解说之前,版主建议先阅读‘英文时态概论’与‘英文文法基本概念:动词的基本型态’,先掌握基本概念,然后再研究细节。

◎ 以现在式陈述故事或笑话

说故事或笑话:以现在式描述 (场景描述),用于非正式的场合。
说故事或笑话:以过去式描述 (普通叙事),作者目的是要让读者知道它们曾经发生过,此种写作方式比较正式。

1) There‘s this Scotsman, you see, and he’s walking through the jungle when he meets a gorilla. And the gorilla’s eating a snake sandwich. So the Scotsman goes up to the gorilla… (Practical English Usage by Michael Swan. p462)

(说明) 说故事时以现在式来“铺陈剧情”,说明接二连三发生的事情。现在进行式则提供“背景信息”,所谓“背景信息”就是故事开始时正在发生的事情,或者故事中持续某段时间的事情或动作。

2)  A panda walks into a cafe. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then pulls out a gun and shoots the waiter. “Why?” groans the injured man. The panda shrugs and walks out, tossing a badly punctuated wildlife manual over his shoulder. When the waiter consults the book, he finds the explanation for this behaviour. The entry for “panda” reads: “Large black and white mammal native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.”

(说明) 这则笑话以现在式来“铺陈剧情”,说明接二连三发生的事情。内容是讲乱用标点符号而闹出的笑话,最后一句原本应该是 “Eats shoots and leaves” (专吃嫩芽与树叶),结果多了一个标点符号 “Eats, shoots and leaves” (吃东西、射杀,然后离开),意思完全走样。

3) Seeing that people were becoming more and more wicked, God was grieved that he had made them. But there was one man, called Noah, who found favor in the eyes of God.  “I am going to destroy all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them,” God told Noah.  “Every living animal will die. I want  you to make an boat of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it: The boat is to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high.”

Then,  God added, “I am going to send flood to cover the earth. Only you, your family, and the animals that are inside the boat, will be kept safe.” With the help of his three sons (Shem, Ham, and Japheth), Noah obeyed God and began to build an enormous boat called an “ark”.  He followed what God had commended him precisely. When the ark was finished, God sent two of every kind of animal and bird – one male and one female – and they all went into the ark. As soon as the last animal was on board, God told Noah and his family to get in, too. God himself closed the door behind them.

神看到世人变得愈来愈邪恶,心理难过,后悔创造了人类。然而,唯有挪亚在 神眼前蒙恩。 神告诉挪亚:“我要毁灭所有的人,因为他们让地上充满邪气败坏。凡有血气的活物都将灭亡。你要用歌斐木造一艘船,里面要有隔间,内外要抹上松香。船的造法如下:长 450 英尺,宽 75 英尺,高 45 英尺。”

然后, 神接着说:“我要使洪水氾滥于地上。唯有你、你的家人,以及船上的活物能够保全生命。”挪亚照着 神的旨意,在三个儿子 (闪、含与雅弗)  的协助之下建造了一艘巨大的船,称为“方舟”。凡 神所吩咐的,挪亚都照样行。方舟完成之后, 神吩咐凡有血肉的活物,每样两个,一公一母,都进入到方舟之内。最后一隻活物上船之后, 神命令挪亚与其家人也进到方舟。然后, 神亲自关上方舟的门。
(说明) 说故事时以过去式来“铺陈剧情”,属于正式的用法。

◎ 一般杂誌或文章常以现在式讲述事件或描述物体

Nestled amidst a neighborhood of single story bungalows in Venice, California, the Solar Umbrella Residence boldly establishes a precedent for the next generation of California modernist architecture. Located on a 41’ wide x 100’-0” long through lot, the Solar Umbrella addition transforms the architects’ existing 650 square foot bungalow into a 1900 square foot residence equipped for responsible living in the twenty-first century.

Inspired by Paul Rudolph’s Umbrella House of 1953, the Solar Umbrella provides a contemporary reinvention of the solar canopy—a strategy that provides thermal protection in climates with intense exposures. In establishing the program for their residence, which accommodates the couple and their one child chose to integrate into the design, principles of sustainability that they strive to achieve in their own practice. The architects carefully considered the entire site, taking advantage of as many opportunities for sustainable living as possible.  Passive and active solar design strategies render the residence 100% energy neutral. Recycled, renewable, and high performance materials and products are specified throughout.  Hardscape and landscape treatments are considered for their aesthetic and actual impact on the land.  The Brooks Scarpa Residence elegantly crafts each of these strategies and materials, exploiting the potential for performance and sensibility while achieving a rich and interesting sensory and aesthetic experience.

(翻译)“太阳伞住宅”坐落于加州威尼斯海滩 (Venice),四周皆为单层平房,这间住宅作风大胆,为下一代加州的现代主义建筑创下了先例。“太阳伞住宅”宽 41 英尺,长 100 英尺,整体宅院为通透形式,其扩建部份将原本 650 平方英尺的单层平房转变成 1900 平方英尺的住宅,居家设施是针对二十一世纪环保生活而规划。

“太阳伞住宅”的设计概念源自于保罗.鲁道夫 (Paul Rudolph) 1953 年兴建的“雨伞住宅”(Umbrella House),将“大阳能顶蓬”重新塑造成现代形式,可在烈日的气候中发挥隔热效果。本宅院是供一对夫妇及其独生子居住,设计师在规划设施时将他们致力推动的永续原则整合进去。建筑师曾经仔细考虑过整个场址,仅可能在各个细节去实践永续生活的原则,无论消极或积极的太阳能设计都让整间住宅在能源使用上自给自足。住宅内随处可见回收、再生与高效率的建材与产品。设计师在规划景物设施 (hardscape) 与宅院风貌时,都曾针对美感与对土地的实际衝击来加以考量。“布鲁克斯卡帕住宅”(Brooks Scarpa Residence) 以高雅的方式运用每一项环保设计与建材,将效能与敏锐度发挥到极致,同时营造出丰富有趣的感官体验与美学效果。

◎ 撰写‘评论’

Du Fu is one of the undisputed geniuses of Chinese poetry – still universally admired and read thirteen centuries after his death. Du Fu masters all the forms of Chinese poetry. His poems use a wide range of registers, from the colloquial to the allusive literary.


(说明) 写杜甫传则必须用过去式
Du Fu (杜甫, 712-770) was a prominent Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. Along with Li Bai (Li Po), he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets. His own greatest ambition was to help his country by becoming a successful civil servant, but he proved unable to make the necessary accommodations. His life, like the whole country, was devastated by the An Lushan Rebellion of 755, and the last 15 years of his life were a time of almost constant unrest.

杜甫 (公元 712 年 – 770 年) 乃是着名的唐朝诗人,常与李白并称为中国最伟大的诗人。他胸怀壮志,矢志考取功名为国效力,可惜却穷途潦倒,难以温饱。杜甫的一生风雨飘摇,犹如当时的朝廷,因着安禄山之乱而颠沛流离。杜甫离世前的15年,生活大多艰辛困顿。

◎ 其他

  • This issue is discussed in Chapter One. (将整本书视为完整的整体)
    This issue was discussed in Chapter One.(将整本书视为逐次完成)
    This issue has been discussed in Chapter One. (强调已经讨论过这项问题了)
  • As you will see from my resume, I have a great deal of experience in program development, administration, contract development, and budget planning.
    – Cover letter 写法,应征者认定雇主待会会读他的履歷表
    As you can see, there is a river at the bottom of the canyon. It is the Colorado River.
    – 书本写法,作者要读者看书中图片
    As you should know by now, I like to be very upfront with the membership about RIOY. We have been hit by a few unforeseen circumstances that have had a significant impact on our business.
    – 发文者假定收信者已经知道某件事
    As you already may have heard by now, the FTC has some new rules coming into effect in December.
    – 发文者假定收信者已经知道某件事
