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英文翻译中“现在简单式”的使用时机 (3)

这是英文“现在简单式”翻译讲解的第三部份,其他部份在‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (1)’、‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (2)’与‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (4)’。阅读下面英文时态解说之前,版主建议先阅读‘英文时态概论’与‘英文文法基本概念:动词的基本型态’,先掌握基本概念,然后再研究细节。

◎ 文章中用于描述或说明“假设/想像”的情况


1) Some of my friends and I have a similar opinion regarding the way some toilets are designed here. Imagine (假设开始) having dinner at a restaurant, and all of a sudden your stomach tells you that what you had (过去事件) for lunch is 90 percent digested. What do you do? Well, of course, you simply get up and look for a place to ease the tension. You go asking where the toilet is, and when you get there, what do you see? A squat toilet!
(节录自 Literally Wuman 《吴大维週记》)


2) Imagine
(假设开始) going to heaven and standing by God as He lovingly shows you the calendar of His plan for your earthly life. It begins with the day you were (过去事件) born. Once you received (过去事件) Christ as Savior, every day that follows is outlined in red. You see footprints walking through each day of each week of your life. On many of the days, two sets of footprints appear.


3) Shifting Your Clock
Let’s start with a common example: traveling from the West Coast to the East Coast of the United States, which requires a three-hour advance of the body clock. Let’s say (假设开始) that when you arrive in New York, you want to feel sleepy at 11 P.M. and to be able to wake up at 7 A.M. (when it is only 4 A.M. in Los Angeles). To advance your clock, take a half-milligram of melatonin at 3 P.M. Pacific time on the day before departure and again on the day of departure.
(节录自 Personal Health, The New York Times, Wednesday, Aug. 20th, 2008)

举个常见的例子:从美国西岸飞往东岸,这通常需要将生理时钟往前调三个小时。你抵达纽约之后,如果要在晚上 11 点就想睡觉,然后隔天早上 7 点就能起床 (那时洛杉矶才凌晨 4 点)。这时要将生理时钟往前调,出发前一天的太平洋时间下午 3 点服用半毫克的退黑激素,出发当天的同一个时间再服用一次。


戏剧是面对观众,通常会假设剧情发生于当下,因此人物对白或场景叙述皆采现在的时态 (‘现在式’与‘现在完成式’)。由于小说或电影情节只存于想像,并未在真实时空中演出,因此时态要定在“现在”,但是仍然需要以时态变化来表达“事情的先后顺序”。

1) Charles turns a leaf. A distant clock strikes the half-hour softly. Charles shuts the book with a clap; throws it aside; snatches up the rattle; and whirls it energetically, making a deafening clatter.
(source: Saint Joan / Epilogue 1 by George Bernard Shaw)

(翻译) 查理翻了一页。远处的钟楼轻柔地敲了一记半点钟响声。他啪的一声阖上了书,将它丢于一旁,随手抓起拨浪鼓使劲旋转,发出震耳欲聋的嘎嗒声。

2) The Family Man (2000) Plot:
Jack Campbell, a successful and talented businessman, is happily living his single life. He has everything, or so he thinks. One day he wakes up in a new life where he didn’t leave (过去) his college girlfriend for a London trip. He is married to Kate, lives in New Jersey and has two kids. He, of course, desperately wants his life back for which he has worked 13 years for. He is president of P. K. Lassiter Investment House and not a tire salesman at Big Ed’s. He drives a Ferrari and not a mini-van that never starts. And most importantly he doesn’t wake up in the morning with kids jumping on the bed. After a bad start, day by day he is more confident in his new life and starts to see what he has been missing. Turns out money’s good to have but that’s not everything.

杰克坎贝尔是个成功且精明的商人,他过着快乐的单身生活,以为拥有自己想要的一切,不料有一天竟然坠入异样的新生活。杰克惊觉自己并未离开大学女友凯特而前往伦敦追寻梦想。他俩婚后住在纽泽西,生下了两个宝宝。杰克当然不想放弃奋斗 13年所得到的成就,极欲想回到原本的生活。他过去是 P. K. Lassiter 投资公司的总裁,不是在 Big Ed’s 卖轮胎的销售员,出门皆以法拉利代步,不是开着时常抛锚的箱型车。更重要的是,早上不会有小孩在床上蹦蹦跳跳扰他清梦。杰克刚开始虽然诸事不顺,他却活得愈来愈有自信,开始明白自己到底失去了什幺。结局是,金钱虽好却绝非万能。

3) A City of Sadness is a 1989 Taiwanese historical drama film by Hou Hsiao-hsien. This film has its setting in a once prosperous gold-mining town in northern Taiwan, and depicts one family’s experiences during the White Terror. The eldest brother is murdered by a Shanghai mafia boss, the middle brother is driven insane in a KMT jailhouse, and the youngest brother is a mute, who wants to flee to the mountains with his friends to fight in the anti-KMT resistance movement. By the end of the film only the youngest brother is alive to tell, in writing, the story of his family’s destruction.

《悲情城市》是侯孝贤导演 1989 年推出的台湾歷史电影。本片于北台湾过去盛极一时的金矿小镇取景,描述某个家族在白色恐怖时期的辛酸血泪史。家族长兄遭到上海黑帮老大杀害,老二被国民党关入大牢后发疯,最小的弟第失聪,想与友人前往深山加入反抗国民党的势力。电影结束时只有幺弟还倖存于世,将家族衰亡的过程记录下来昭告于世。