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英文翻译中“现在简单式”的使用时机 (2)

这是英文“现在简单式”讲解的第二部份,其他部份在‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (1)’、‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (3)’与‘英文“现在简单式”的使用时机 (4)’。阅读下面英文时态解说之前,版主建议先阅读‘英文时态概论’与‘英文文法基本概念:动词的基本型态’,先掌握基本概念,然后再研究细节。


◎ 传达意思或感官认知方面的动词翻译
传达意思的动词: say, speak, tell
感官认知的动词: hear, understand, learn

The fox news says an Apple event for late January has been confirmed.

We understand (= learn) that you are one of the leading vendors of trusted computing equipment in Taiwan.

I hear you are getting divorced.(泛泛的道听涂说)
(比较) I heard you are getting divorced.(确实听到某人说过)
(说明) ‘过去式’明确表明事情的确发生,如果我们不那么想明确表明时,可以用‘现在式’表达。


China serves notice on its tennis future.
This week, two Chinese women made it to the final four of a grand slam tennis tournament for the first time, wowing audiences internationally and back home. Could this be the start of the rise of a tennis superpower?
1. serves notice 这个词组是玩弄文字,我们常用 “take no notice of …” 来说“不理会”,而且 “serve” 这个字可表示“网球的发球”。
2. made – 真正的‘过去式’,用来讲述事实
3. Could – 假设用法,与‘过去式’无关

Aflax Appoints New Broad Member
Taiwan, Octorber 13, 2004 – Aflax (NASDAQ:AFLAX) today announced that Robert Kiyosaki, vice president and chief financial officer of Gateway Ltd., has been appointed to the Company’s Board of Directors effective immediately.
(2004 年 10 月,台北 ─ 阿法列 (NASDAQ:AFLAX) 今日宣佈,Gateway 副总裁与总财务长青崎已经被指派为该公司的董事会成员,命令即刻生效。 )
(说明)  报导内容仍要采用‘过去式’来描述事件。

Adobe to acquire Macromedia
(Adobe 即将併购 Macromedia)
On April 18, 2005 Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq: ADBE) announced a definitive agreement (合同书) to acquire Macromedia (Nasdaq: MACR) in an all-stock transaction (全股份交易).
(说明) 新闻稿的报导事件如果尚未发生,标题要以‘不定词’表达。

A diamond is forever. (钻石恒久远,一颗永流传) – De Beers广告词
Just do it. – Nike 广告词
Impossible is nothing. (没有不可能) – Adidas 广告词
The Playoffs: Where Amazing happens – 美国 NBA 季后赛广告词

i’m lovin’ it – 麦当劳广告词
(说明) 麦当劳在玩弄英文时态,love 属于持续动词,本不该与现在进行式搭配,但此处转化为动作动词,与 enjoy 的用法类似,详见‘英文文法基本概念:动词的基本型态’。

此时的简单式代表未来,表示说话者持‘超然态度’ (psychologically uninvolved) 来说明排定好的行程,这不同于纯未来式。

Your bus leaves in fifteen minutes, so hurry up and finish your work!

Your bus is leaving in fifteen minutes, so hurry up and finish your work! (标准用法)
Your bus will leave in fifteen minutes, so hurry up and finish your work!
(可接受,但这种写法不是老美的首选 – not the first choice for native speakers!)

I start my new job tomorrow. (我明天要开始新的工作。)

The exhibition opens on January 21st and closes on March 31st.

Tomorrow morning we get up at 6:30, have breakfast at 7:00, get together around here at 7:30, and start for the lake at 7:40.
(夏令营领队:明天早上 6:30 起床,7:00 吃早餐,7:30 左右在此集合,7:40 前往湖边。)

A: “Are you free Saturday night?” (礼拜六晚上有空吗 ?)
B: “Sure, what time are you looking at?” (可以啊,约几点呢? )

Thank God, it’s Friday. I’m so glad that tomorrow is Saturday.
(说明 ) 本句也可写成: I’m so glad that tomorrow will be Saturday.

If today is Wednesday, the day after tomorrow will be Friday.
If today is Wednesday, the day before yesterday was Monday.

I haven’t got time today, but I can see you tomorrow.
(说明) 当下决定未来的事情,可用现在式来表达“未来”。

I am continuing to work with the QuTem support team, and I believe there are some bigger setup issues so please wait until I am able to address those issues. When does Aspire production begin?
(我与 QuTem 支援小组仍在调查未何他们的设置更改没有生效。我认为有更严重的设置问题,在我解决问题之前请耐心等候。Aspire 将何时量产?)


She’ll pay us back when she gets a job.
//She’ll pay us back when she’ll get a job.

David will take care of my dog till I get back.

Breakfast will be ready before you get up.

I will offer him financial support if he is in difficulty.

1) 主要子句即使没有使用未来式,只要它隐含未来的意思,附属子句便要以现在式说明未来情况。
Call me when you arrive in Taipei.

2) 现在完成式也可使用于从属子句,藉以说明事情已经完成。
I’ll tell you when I’ve finished.

3) 比较未来事情时,从属子句可用‘现在式’或‘未来式’
She’ll be on the same train as we are tomorrow.
= She’ll be on the same train as we will (be) tomorrow.

4) 如果主要子句没有指名未来情况,附属子句便要使用未来式来表达。
I don’t know where she will be tomorrow.

5) 即使主要已经指名未来情况,但所指名的未来时间与附属子句所要指名的时间不同,附属子句仍然要以未来式来表达。

I’ll hide this box somewhere where he‘ll never find it.

现在简单式与 for 搭配,时间概念会延续到未来

How long are you here (for)? (= Until when…?)
= How long will you stay here (for)?
= How long will you be staying here (for)?

How long have you been here (for)? (= Since when…?)